segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014

Jason Mraz Concert and Beaches with my american friends at Finals Week :D

So there is this thing called Finals week, when we are supposed to have the Finals (testes finais). But turns out that 2 of my 3 professor last quarter applied the  finals test on the Dead Week (a semana anterior as provas finais...isto e, a semana final de aulas..) so my finals week was pretty awesome. So amazing that at the end of so much pleasure I ended up in the emergency room (pronto socorro) of Cal Poly with symptoms like accelerated heart, lack of balance, no control over my body....and yes, I HAD NO ALCOHOL IN ME! You will see the cause of that on the next pictures! ahahah

This is Megan, my best American friend *-* and this picture was taken some minutes before our last final of MATE 225 on Tuesday. That guy behind us is Finley.

This is what I chose to eat after the final, a starred pizza :D 

At splash Cafe with this amazing guys, Megan, Matt and Alan

"Go kayaking" they said, and so we did! The next day (Wednesday) was dedicated to go kayaking at Avila Beach and the Jason Mraz Concert *--------------*

Patrick, Alan, Manu and Arthur

Megan and Regan also were with us!

Basically the Perpetual Awesomeness group of MATE 225 LAB at the Beach xDD

Adventure ahhaah

Cheap houses at the beach ahaha

Preparing for the kayaking

Thanks Regan for helping me xD

Success /o/

One of the amazing things I have ever experienced in califoria as kayaking because I felt like I was in paradise, in the middle of that deep blue-greenish ocean and we could also see some purple sea stars with the size of a hand and a half! They were hard when I touched although they seem so flexible when moving from a place to another. But Megan explained that they have to be hard due to the waves that always hit them, that is why they have this hard exoskeleton. xD Living and learning! 

Another thing that I learned is that american people hate seagulls. They stole our food and make a mass with our stuff...they also destroy things they can just to eat (paper bags, towels...)


Alan, Saul, Manu

Plus Victor

Plus Claudia, Manu's roomate ;D

We are sooo beautiful ;D

 Hey, how do you stay so positive?

JAZON M-RAZ (yes...this is how we need to spell!)

He and the Rainy Jane group

Jason and Cal Poly students singing...

There is a thing I must say about Jason Mraz. He is so humble and simple and SO POSITIVE xDD
He got to the stage so slowly and comfortable with the audience as we where friends or neighbors, as he sang on the first song. I must admit that I didn't know all the songs...the concert started at 7:30, but along with the rainy jane presentation, it lasted 3h.... :D
The most known songs were 93 milion miles, you and I, the woman I love, beautiful mess (my prefered one!!), I won't give up and luck, that he improved changing completely the sounds used!!  :D
By the end everybody got up and clapped their hands for, lets say, 5 minutes? Then Alan explained to me that Jason had to come back and so he did...and finished the concert with I am yours with the participation of the cal poly was amaaaaaaaazing. And there are 2 more things I have to say about him, he and the girls are so funny! Always making jokes and speaking about intimacy in a funny way that seemed like friends to us! Also, there was a time that he missed a word and stopped the concert just to come back in that part to fix it ahaha.  For 2 or 3 times he had to improvise by choosing words from the audience of from the internet and creating a totally different and awesome song! It was the best concert ever, for just 60 bucks ;D I recommend it!

I finished the day with Alan and his friends watching The Great Gatsby, and that guaranteed the next awesome day (Thursday) at the beach! Now ...Pismo beach!

This is where Candice, the woman I met at the Airport lives...but I could not see her around.. It is a beautiful beach and at the top of the shore we have thins interesting dinosaur park for the kids ;D

This is the shore

These are Alan, Samantha and Paul


Beautiful han?

Seals *---*

Yes I ate it *---* I always wanted to do that....they are not tasty though...ahaha but are similar to that scabs we find in popcorn and get attached to our teeth after a movie ahaha 

These are the videos of me and Paul eating the bugs ahaha

Ok, the next day was Friday. I woke up bad, with no control over my body. Manu took me to the doctor.
They took my blood pressure, they took a blood sample (exame de sangue) performed electrocardiogram as you can see at the picture but NOTHING, they could not find the problem. After some time talking to the doctors I could relax and got back to the normal. After that I met my american friends (Megan, Alan and Finley) to say good bye before everybody part. Megan explained me that these symptoms are really common in her because of the mix between studying hard for the finals and then hanging out hard with friends, never stopping! And this was what really happened...

Electrocardiogram before parting party ahaha

This is Casey's dog (Casey is Megan's boyfriend) and apart of Alan, the other one is Finley.

The other guys are Finley's roomates ;D

This is me with the dog, simply LOVED HIM

These are us back to the Brazilian crew to close the night ahaha

Claudia and her friend, Kevin and Ryan, alan's friends

Wake up guys!

Isso que da deixar o celular na mao de outros: 

Bunita do vo!

After this parting party, I woke up the next day (saturday), got a ride of Claudia (Manu's roomate) to Los Angeles, at CSUN (California State University Northbridge) to visit my friends Bruno and Rubens and ended up making a lot of new (brazilian) friends!! But this all will be covered at the next post :D Wait for it!!

Comment, comment, comment please, because I know you must comment about my blog with other people but I AM THE OWNER and I need your feedback guys...did you like to read everything in english? Come on, make an effort and at least use the google translator to understand it...I wrote a lot this time and it was sincere! So I hope you understand me ;D But if you did not like it, tell me so I can write in Portuguese the next time...
Another thing that I want to say is that I am planning to create a Channel on youtube to post the videos I make. It won't be like a really serious channel with me presenting weekly content about my life at cal poly...cuz this is not the purpose. Like the blog, the youtube channel would be just for the videos of the Jason concert videos and crazy things that I record and it is bad to watch it here! So, wait for that too, I shall post the videos that I recorded from the Jason Mraz concert and me eating the bugs ahaha

And this is it...YOLO guys and see ya on next post  ;D

2 comentários:

  1. I would write in English, but I don't. I'm afraid you could miss the contact with our (as you always use this word "amazing") Portuguese language, so.......
    Le, fale-nos sobre como é a vida dos "natives", o vai-e-vem da cidade, as dificuldades e oportunidades(empregos, negócios, etc). Como o brasileiro, de um modo geral é visto.......ou ainda imaginam que o Brasil se resume a amazonia (com nossos elefantes ah ah ah), se acreditam que nossa capital ainda é Buenos Aires.

  2. Tio, entao....a vida deles eh relativamente calma...nao gostam de sair muuito e agitar a galera pra fazer passeios como o que descrevi aquii (ir a praia com o grupo da aula ou fazer kaaking/hiking) ja eh tipo "NOOOOSSA que menina louca eh essa que me chama pras coisas? o que ela quer com isso?" eu diria que eh muito dificil quebrar a individual zone pra criar uma friendship zone com eles mas depois q acontece, cria-se uma amizade muito legal :D Mas como eu disse, ate de vc levar comida a mais e oferecer pra eles eles acham muito estranho!!! Falam "que sentimento mais natalino!" ahaha e eu falo: eh normal no Brasil.
    A cidade eh bem calma, pessoas muuito polites, pelas fotos da pra ver...uma pequena cidade no meio das montanhas verdes da california :DD Nao recebi nenhuma oportunidade boa ainda....esta muito dificil e sao raras as pessoas q conseguem esstagio aqui ... esta muito competitivo ja pros americanos, imagina pra estrangeiro!! mas devo achar algum summer course ou research...pelo menos.
    Muitos deles acham q eu tenho q saber espanhol..nao sabem q lingua falada no brasil eh portugues ahaha
    Mas nao se interessam muito pelo brasil em questao de saber algo sobre o nosso pais, mas as vezes julgam como muito folgados...sem regras e muito libertino.. (de opcao sexual a vulgaridade).
    Mas no geral sao muito abertos pra conversar e se expressar com/sobre brasileiros e muitos deles sao interessados em ir pro brasil...alguns de ate se mudar pra la!!!!
